Who We Are
Dr Mark Bailey
Dr Mark E. S. Bailey graduated in Zoology from University of Bristol in 1987, then did his PhD on the molecular physiology of iron absorption in the mammalian intestine at King’s College London. He has been a Lecturer in Human Molecular Genetics at the University of Glasgow since 1999 and is currently a member of the School of Life Sciences and associate member of three Institutes in the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences there. His research interests largely concern the ways in which differences in DNA sequence between individuals relate to the differences we see or detect between individuals – the relationship between genotype and phenotype. He studies these relationships in a range of situations from disorders of the brain caused by single mutations to genetic influences on complex normal traits (body composition and sporting performance) and disorders (diabetes and schizophrenia). He is also interested in how the human brain evolved and the role of meme-gene coevolution. Dr Bailey’s involvement in Eadha Enterprises stems from his personal interest in seeing biodiversity maintained or increased in a range of environments affected by mankind, from industrial sites to farmed uplands and beyond to the world’s important and threatened forest biomes – he would like to see greater use of up-to-date ecological thinking in plans for the enrichment of communities and habitats. Dr Bailey brings to the partnership expertise in research methodology and in the genetics of populations, and an enthusiasm for trees!
Peter Livingstone
Peter Graduated from St Andrews University with a Geography/Geology degree and then went on to do a Masters in Environmental Studies at Strathclyde University. Here he developed an interest in environmental issues and in particular from a Scottish perspective, going on to write his thesis on the Millennium Forest Project. He started his career working for a small consultancy undertaking air emissions monitoring. He then went on to work in engineering consultancy working for a number of companies in Glasgow undertaking ground investigation, contaminated land assessments, and mining assessments. He left this industry in 2010 to co-found Eadha Enterprises to take forward what up until then had been a hobby propagating cuttings from local aspen trees and promoting local conservation projects.
I learned while working in the contaminated land sector about phytoremediation - the use of plants to treat contaminated land. It was only after setting up Eadha Enterprises and developing the Aspen Project that I realised that aspen was one of the key species for this process. And there lay the solution to Central Scotland's blighted land and communities!
Liz Parsons
Liz, currently heads up a small Lochwinnoch based company called Starling Learning, an ecological survey/environmental education/conservation management agency. She started this company in 1996 and employs six staff at present. Previously she worked for the RSPB and as a countryside ranger at Calderglen Country Park. She has a Geography/Geology degree from Strathclyde university.
“I wanted to be involved with Eadha Enterprises as I see potential for actually getting some conservation work carried out. Often there is too much talk, not enough action.
She has practical conservation management skills, wide experience of writing habitat management plans and is experienced at project management. She also own lots and lots of spades which is very useful!
Joe Greenlees
Joe is a co-director of Starling Learning and a co-founder of Eadha Enterprises. He has a wide experience in ecological survey work, environmental education and wildlife gardening. His knowledge of plants and their uses is outstanding. He has particular interest in re-wilding and a keen advocate of Beaver Reintroduction. He has a deep understanding of ecosystems and how they function.
Grant Murray
Grant graduated from the University of Bath with a BSc (Hons) in Biology. He then served in the British Army before returning to his environmental routes by entering the UK forest industry. In 2010, Grant was appointed as sales manager for Alba Trees plc, a cell-grown forest nursery in East Lothian. He steered the company through cultural and marketing changes, helping the company become more commercial by increasing turnover, improving profitability and formalising market analysis and sales reporting. He also encouraged Alba to become the first major forest nursery to become 100% home-grown, encouraging others within the ConFor Nursery Producers’ Group to follow suit in the wake of imported pests and diseases. During this time, Grant become involved in the wider forest industry, establishing contacts throughout the UK, and representing Scotland’s forest nurseries at both the Forestry Commission’s Industry consultation group, and plant health groups. In so doing, he created a business model for Alba Trees which combined commercial marketing advantage with pursuing environmental concerns. Grant then studied for an MBA at the University of Edinburgh and has remained at the university to study for a PhD in management.