Bob Chard – THIS Trees Trial, Isle Barton
Eadha has supplied 15 native aspen clones from across Scotland and Northern England to an agroforestry trial in the south of England.
Bob Chard has a vision to create a viable agroforestry small holding at Isle Barton, near Wadeford in Somerset, which as far as possible makes him self sufficient in food, energy, water and fuel; and which with minimal carbon footprint. He is concentrating on the cultivation of high input for high value timber trees and especially THIS trees ( Tropical Hardwood Importation Substitution ). These trees are mostly fast growing alien hardwood species, which initially will yield a wide range of co-products before final crop; including woodfuel prunings, compost materials, fruits, nuts, coppice, fungi, honey and much more.
We will be monitoring how these aspen clones perform in the south of England and compare performance between clones. It will also be interesting to observe how these northern clones perform in a southern climate, including the frequency of flowering and seed production.
(the 15 most important benefits of tropical hardwood importation substitution)
- Replacing unsustainable imports of tropical hardwoods with local wood and timber production in the U.K.
- Reducing timber miles and timber costs by local production
- Faster carbon sequestration to address climate change than with only native species; and with higher carbon sequestration per ha.
- Improving timber security for hardwood requirements
- Improving energy security with better local woodfuel production
- Low risk long term investment for multiple benefits, products and income streams
- Creating more rural jobs locally with labour intensive sylviculture and secondary products harvesting.
- Sustainable land use systems with low carbon footprints
- Farm diversification to reduce financial risks by integration of woodland working and farming
- Owner occupier self employment for woodland owners, farmers and small holders
- Improving landscapes with attractive trees and hedges
- Reducing forestry timescales to first income, break even on investment and final crop sale
- A better choice for flood peak alleviation planting than only native species, due to multiple benefits
- New crops , new products and innovations for the 21 century.
- Habitat diversification and improvement to support rare and declining species of woodland birds, plants, insects and amphibians.
Acacia dealbata, Mimosa;
Acer campestre, Field maple;
Acer platanoides, Norway maple;
Acer saccharum, silver maple;
Aesculus hippocastanum, Horse chestnut;
Alnus cordata, Italian alder;
Alnus rubra, Red alder;
Araucaria araucana, Monkey puzzle;
Betula albo-sinensis v. septentrionolis;
Betula maximowicziana, Monarch birch;
Betula papyrifera, Paperbark birch;
Betula pendula, silver birch;
Carya ovata, shagbark hickory;
Castanea sativa, Sweet chestnut;
Cedrus atlantica, Atlas cedar;
Eucalyptus gunnii, Cider gum;
Eucalyptus perriniana, Spinning gum;
Eucryphia nymansay,
Fagus sylvatica, common beech;
Ginkgo biloba v. Saratoga, maidenhair tree;
Ilex aquifolium, common holly;
Jugnans nigra, black walnut;
Jugnans regia, common walnut;
Jugnans sigillata, Tibetan iron walnut;
Liriodeneron tulipifera, tulip tree;
Nothofagus dombeyi, Domby’s beech
Platanus x hispanica, London plane;
Populus tremula, Aspen;
Prunus avium, Wild cherry;
Pseudotsuga menziosii, douglas fir;
Pyrus communis, wild pear;
Quercus rubra, Red oak;
Salix alba, cricket bat willow;
Taxodium distichum, Swamp cypress;
Tilia cordata, Small leaved lime
Ulmus laevis, European white elm;
Wollemia nobilis, Wollemi pine;