Groatholm Riparian Woodland Project
The Groatholm Riparian Woodland project formed a sub-project of our Growing for Garnock Project. This project saw the planting of 1600 native trees including Eadha's own grown aspen trees, along a newly fenced riparian strip which provided a 2.5 hectare enclosure along the east bank of the River Garnock, north of Kilwinning.
Riparian woodland is very important for healthy aquatic ecosystems. The trees stablise the banks preventing erosion and siltation of river, provide dappled shade to help cool water and host invertebrate life which falls into the river to provide food for fish and other river creature. More information on the benefits of trees to rivers can be found here.
Public access was facilitated with the installation of a gate and stile.
The trees were planted by volunteers and will be managed by Eadha and the landowner. We are thankful of the support of the landowner to help make this project a reality.
Quotes from Particpants from Hewlett Packard Enterprises
“In addition to actually planting the trees, supporting EADHA in their projects has allowed me to meet with colleagues in a safe environment, something I haven’t been able to do since March 2021. Peter also takes the time to educate us on the importance of trees to the landscape and the fact there should be more than fir trees in Scotland. Based on this, and further advice from Peter I’ve now planted a few Scottish species in my garden!”
Russell Fair
“The tree planting sessions have been a great way to spend our wellness Fridays. It was a chance to meet up with colleagues in a safe environment, we got some exercise in a great setting and learned a lot about the science behind rewilding while doing our bit towards addressing the climate emergency. I also point out to anyone who will listen that “I helped plant those trees” every time I pass any of the sites we’ve worked on”
Scott McNee
“Supporting Peter in the Growing for Garnock project has provided us a great opportunity to meet and catch up with friends and work colleagues in safe outdoor spaces whilst we are being directed to work from home during the covid pandemic of the last 18 months or so. We learned a great deal about the importance of riparian woodland restoration to support thriving natural habitats along the river Garnock. We also learned that rewilding, restoration, whatever you want to call it, is about much more than just planting trees; ground species such as shrubs and wildflowers also need to be reintroduced to habitats, and critically, that local people need to be involved in this work!”
Robert Bell