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Illustrated Talks
Eadha Enterprises can deliver illustrated talks to your group. An example of the subject matter of previous talks includes:
- The Aspen Tree and its Biodiversity
- The Folklore of the Aspen Tree
- Economic Uses for Aspen
- The Ecology of the Beaver
- Aspen and Beavers – A Symbiotic Relationship
- The Aspen Project – Unlocking the Potential of Land and Communities
Thanks so much for the really interesting talk today, we learnt such a lot that was completely new to us about a previously undervalued tree, and one that sounds more promising than many as a de-contaminator. I'm amazed at the amount you have achieved in the few years since starting Eadha- = keep up the good work and thanks again.
Angela Montford, St Andrews Botanic Gardens Trust
For a species that has so much to offer for biodiversity and potential for wood-fuel, it was a real eye-opener to hear that aspen has become so scarce and undervalued. The talk gave us a completely new perspective.
Nigel Scriven, Cowal Natural History Society
Everyone really enjoyed your talk, and found it stimulating; you gave an excellent presentation....you captured the interest of all who attended.
John Hunter (secretary) Clarkston and East Kilbride District SWT Members' Centre
Peter Livingstone of Eadha Enterprises presented a fascinating illustrated talk on Aspen…. This very informative talk was extremely well received by our audience which included people with a wide variety of interests, but not much detailed prior knowledge of woodland conservation. We were left knowing much more about the fascinating subject of Aspen and its conservation. Thank you Peter.
Glyn Collis, President, Buteshire Natural History Society, Bute Museum, Rothesay, Isle of Bute
Please contact us for further information.